Governing Bodies of the MSc
Administrative and operational bodies of the MSc, according to the provisions of Law 4485/2017, are:
- The Senate of the Foundation, which is the competent body for academic, administrative, organizational issues of the MSc, and exercises any responsibilities related to the Postgraduate Program that are not specifically assigned by law to other bodies.
- The Assembly of the School of Medicine, School of Health Sciences of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, which has the responsibilities set out in article 31 par. 3 of Law 4485/2017. 4485/2017.
- The Coordinating Committee (CC) of the MSc which consists of five (5) faculty members of the School of Medicine who have undertaken postgraduate work and are elected by the Assembly of the relevant for a two-year term and is responsible for monitoring and coordinating the operation of the MSc.
- The Postgraduate Studies Committee of the University is composed of the Vice-Rector(s) for Academic Affairs and Student Affairs, who serves as President, the Deans of the Faculties of the University as members and has the responsibilities provided for in article 32 in paragraph 5 of Law 4485/2017. 4485/2017.
- The Director of the Postgraduate Program, who is a member of the CC and is appointed together with his Deputy, by decision of the Assembly of the Department, for a two-year term and must meet the requirements of article 31 of par. 8 of Law 4485/2017. 4485/2017. The Director may not be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive terms and is not entitled to additional remuneration for his administrative work. The Director of the MSc belongs to the rank of Professor or Associate Professor of the Department of Medicine, has the administrative support of the Program, has a related subject to that of the Program, has the responsibilities provided for in article 31 par. 8 of Law 4485/2017, defined in the individual articles of this Regulation and any others defined by the Assembly of the School of Medicine (article 45, par. 1c).
- The six-member Scientific Advisory Committee of the Foundation (AUTH), responsible for the external academic evaluation of the Postgraduate Programs (article 44 par. 3 of Law 4485/2017).
- The Admissions Selection Committee, which is established by decision of the Assembly of the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and consists of three (3) faculty members of the same or related subject who belong to the CC of the MSc, is responsible for checking the supporting documents, conducting the selection process and ranking the candidates based on the calculation of the criteria and proposes to the Assembly of the Department the list of successful candidates, which the latter ratifies.
The teaching of courses in the Postgraduate Programs can be undertaken:
1. Faculty members of the relevant Department.
2. Members of the category E.E.P., E.DI.P. and E.T.E.P. of the relevant Department and holders of a doctoral degree.
3. Instructors according to the P.D. 407/80 of the Department of Medicine.
4. By reasoned decision of the Assembly of the Department, in case the teaching staff of the categories mentioned above is not sufficient, teaching work may be assigned to faculty members of other Departments of the same University or faculty members of other Universities or researchers from research centers referred to in article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (A’ 258), including the research centers of the Academy of Athens and the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens. In addition, the Assembly of the School of Medicine, by its decision, having in mind the recommendation of the Director of the Postgraduate Program, may invite as “visitors” renowned scientists who have a position or qualifications of professor or researcher in a research center, scientists of recognized prestige with specialized knowledge or relevant experience in the subject of the MSc from Greece or abroad, in accordance with the provisions of paragraf 5 of article 36 as it applied to cover the educational needs of the MSc.
5. In any case, the teaching assignment of the courses of the MSc is decided by the Assembly of the Department, upon the recommendation of the CC.
6. The obligations of the teachers include, inter alia, the description of the course or lectures, the citation of relevant bibliography, the way the course is examined and the communication with postgraduate students.
7. The evaluation of teachers by postgraduate students is done through the information system of MODIP-AUTH, after the completion of the course deliveries and before the examination period.
In cases of serious substantiated complaints of students, the General Assembly of the Department, upon the recommendation of the committe, decides on the appropriate measures to remedy the problems identified (recommendation, replacement of a lecturer).
Administrative Support - Logistics
1. The School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, having extensive experience in the organization and operation of postgraduate programs, undertakes the administrative and technical support of this MSc.
2. In case the existing administrative administrative staff is not sufficient, the employment of an external collaborator in the Secretariat of the MSc is foreseen, for the smooth handling of its operational needs.. The Secretariat of the MSc deals with student registrations, grade keeping, faculty evaluations, attendance / course keeping, issuance and granting of degrees, certificates and certificates, financial management of the Postgraduate Program’s revenues and generally handles current issues concerning teachers, postgraduate students, communication with various administrative services and collaborating bodies, as well as issues of promotion and promotion of the academic and research work carried out within the framework of the MSc
3. The technical support of the operation of the program is centrally ensured by specialized technical staff of the e-Government Center of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the existing technical staff of the General Directorate of Technical Services and Computerization of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the technical staff of the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
4. For the implementation of the teaching of the courses of the program, the existing building and material and technical infrastructure of the School of Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki will be used. The monitoring of clinical cases will take place at the premises of the Third Internal Medicine Clinic of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The monitoring will take place under the supervision of the teachers and will include the scientific analysis of the cases.
5. Every year, a Study Guide is published and posted on the website of the MSc, which includes the curriculum, the names of the teaching staff, the rights (scholarships, textbooks, aids, etc.) of postgraduate students, the obligations of postgraduate students, as well as information on the operation of the Department’s study rooms, laboratories and libraries.
MSc Revenue - Financial Management Process
The revenues of the Postgraduate Programs come from:
a) Donations, benefits, bequests and any kind of sponsorship of public sector bodies, as defined in point (a) of para. 1 of article 14 of Law 1 of article 14 of Law 4270/2014 (A’ 143) or the private sector,
(b) resources from research programs;
(c) resources from programs of the European Union or other international organizations;
d) part of the revenues of the Special Accounts for Research Funds (E.L.K.E.)
(e) any other legitimate cause;
f) from the payment of tuition fees
and any appropriations from:
A) the budget of Universities and bodies collaborating with its organization
B) the budget of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs,
1. In accordance with Article 37 para. . 4 of Law 4485/2017 the management of the revenues of the MSc is carried out by the ELKE and is allocated by 70% to operating expenses of the program and 30% to operating expenses of the Foundation.
2. In addition, it is recalled that according to para. 6 of the same article, HEIs, -respectively the Departments in which Postgraduate Studies operate- are obliged annually to publish, by posting on their website, an income-expenditure report, indicating the distribution of expenses by category and in particular the amount of tuition fees, the fees of teachers in the Postgraduate Programs and the number of teachers who received them.
3. In the MSc entitled “MSc–Cardiovascular Disease” its operating costs will be covered by tuition fees amounting to three thousand euros (3,000 €) per student for the total cost of the program. Students will pay in advance the amount of 1500€ up to 15 days after their registration and the remaining amount will be given at the beginning of the 3rd semester. The amount will be paid to the Special Account for Research Funds of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.